April 21, 2011

1st session

Nothing too interesting. I decided to play NL25 underrolled, but i felt not scard or anything. Just trying to play tight and ABC like.
Lost a flip QQ < AK vs Reg... pretty normal for me to lose flips :E

And i made a bad? rivercall vs aggrofish (45/35)

Some unconventional(maybe bad?) play vs csfish (86/0 ... WTSD 60 )
I think he's never donking his flopped flush on the turn (I would suggest he's always checkraising). Maybe he's doing this sometimes with a 4, but most of the time i think his range is any kind of diamond with or without pair and i think he will never fold to a raise regardless how big it is. So i decided to shove. The idea behind the shove was, that he'll never pay out on the river if he misses.


I also found another tilt reason: playing too late in the evening. I'm tilting more often in the late hours of the day than in the early afternoon. So i'll try to play not too late.

Random thoughts and stuff
Renamed the blog, because the name "SomeSeriousPokerAction" doesn't really fit ;) (lol nl25 4 life :x)

lol karma

April 20, 2011

tiltmonkeys gonna tilt ?!

Since sunday i played solid c game, ran bad and i ended up yesterday in complete monkey tilt.
Ok so my challenge is over and i failed. BAM.
Just one month with no tilt ... lolbad.


So obviously i can't say "i will not tilt", this won't work as we can see ;).
I started asking myself if there are any certain conditions for me which lead to tilt.
Therefore i checked HEM and analysed all my (tilt) sessions since january 2010.
Tilt reasons/conditions:
- i tilt every(!) session longer than 2h
- i tilt in many(up to 33%) sessions longer than 1,5h
- i tilt 80% of my sessions with more than 8 tables
- i tilt ~33% of my sessions with more than 6 tables
- i tilted 100% of the time when i was down >4 stacks (often results in complete braindead monkeytilt)
- i tilted >50% of the time when i was down >3 stacks
- i tilted from bad beats as well from my own mistakes
- i never(!) tilted while recording my session

I've never analysed my tilt that exactly.
As we can see i'm a tiltmonkey :D (lol obvious)
But what can i do? I will obviously not quit poker, because i know that i can beat many limits above NL25/50.

I will start with obvious measures:
- sessiontime <= 1h
- 4 tabling, 5 tabling only if the games are juicy as hell (friday afternoon)
- stoploss 2 stacks
- record sessions on video (maybe good for analysis as well)
- concentrate on not tilting after mistakes/beats

Because i'm now underrolled for NL25 i will start playing NL10 (SH obv) until i'm rolled again for NL25 (~15 Stacks NL10).
I'll update this blog after every session.

for the best part press "2" on your keyboard ;)
and again "2" and again again again and again :D

April 16, 2011

exam and almost no poker

Last month i had to learn for my biggest and most difficult exam, so i hat almost no time to play poker. But it was worth the trouble. Maybe i forgot about my exam when i wrote that i will update more often :D

But now i have time to play and i started to change my game a little. In other words: i found the fold button again ;)

[x] no tilt
[x] one session almost tilted

damn best no tilt song: