April 20, 2011

tiltmonkeys gonna tilt ?!

Since sunday i played solid c game, ran bad and i ended up yesterday in complete monkey tilt.
Ok so my challenge is over and i failed. BAM.
Just one month with no tilt ... lolbad.


So obviously i can't say "i will not tilt", this won't work as we can see ;).
I started asking myself if there are any certain conditions for me which lead to tilt.
Therefore i checked HEM and analysed all my (tilt) sessions since january 2010.
Tilt reasons/conditions:
- i tilt every(!) session longer than 2h
- i tilt in many(up to 33%) sessions longer than 1,5h
- i tilt 80% of my sessions with more than 8 tables
- i tilt ~33% of my sessions with more than 6 tables
- i tilted 100% of the time when i was down >4 stacks (often results in complete braindead monkeytilt)
- i tilted >50% of the time when i was down >3 stacks
- i tilted from bad beats as well from my own mistakes
- i never(!) tilted while recording my session

I've never analysed my tilt that exactly.
As we can see i'm a tiltmonkey :D (lol obvious)
But what can i do? I will obviously not quit poker, because i know that i can beat many limits above NL25/50.

I will start with obvious measures:
- sessiontime <= 1h
- 4 tabling, 5 tabling only if the games are juicy as hell (friday afternoon)
- stoploss 2 stacks
- record sessions on video (maybe good for analysis as well)
- concentrate on not tilting after mistakes/beats

Because i'm now underrolled for NL25 i will start playing NL10 (SH obv) until i'm rolled again for NL25 (~15 Stacks NL10).
I'll update this blog after every session.

for the best part press "2" on your keyboard ;)
and again "2" and again again again and again :D

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